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Radio New Zealand Interenational on 15115kHz, June 1996.

Radio New Zealand International (RNZI) (Ko Te Reo Irirangi o Aotearoa Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa), a division of Radio New Zealand, is the official international broadcasting station of New Zealand.
It broadcasts a variety of news, current affairs and sports programmes in English and news in seven Pacific languages.
The station's mission statement requires it to promote and reflect New Zealand in the Pacific, and better relations between New Zealand and Pacific countries.
It broadcasts a variety of news, current affairs and sports programmes in English and news in seven Pacific languages.
The station's mission statement requires it to promote and reflect New Zealand in the Pacific, and better relations between New Zealand and Pacific countries.
As the only shortwave radio station in New Zealand, Radio New Zealand International broadcasts to several island nations.
It has studios in Radio New Zealand House, Wellington and a transmitter at Rangitaiki in the middle of the North Island.
Its broadcasts cover from East Timor in the west across to French Polynesia in the east, covering all South Pacific countries in between.
The station targets Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Samoa, the Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Tonga during a 24-hour rotation.
The signal can also be heard in Europe and North America.
It has studios in Radio New Zealand House, Wellington and a transmitter at Rangitaiki in the middle of the North Island.
Its broadcasts cover from East Timor in the west across to French Polynesia in the east, covering all South Pacific countries in between.
The station targets Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Samoa, the Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Tonga during a 24-hour rotation.
The signal can also be heard in Europe and North America.
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