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The UK South East Coast Ambulance Service has generously donated a defibrillator to the St Helena Police Service. The gift was facilitated by Sharon Graham, a personal safety trainer, who was on-island in September 2012.
Paul Sutton, Chief Executive Officer of the South East Coast Ambulance Service, said: ¡ÆAs a Trust, we are passionate about increasing the access to defibrillators across our region, as they are such a vital and valuable tool in treating cardiac arrest. I am delighted that this passion has now been extended across so many miles to benefit the residents of St Helena.¡Ç
St Helena Chief of Police Peter Coll said: ¡ÆIn September 2012, Kent Police Staff Safety Trainer Sharon Graham returned to St Helena to train Police and Prison officers in a variety of staff safety techniques. Sharon had visited previously in 2009 to train local officers and her return enabled her to re-accredit a number of officers to continue training here. Sharon discovered that we had no defibrillator readily available on the Island and managed to acquire one through the kind assistance of the South East Coast Ambulance Service. I would like to thank Sharon and all those involved for all her work on St Helena, and particularly for arranging the supply of this defibrillator, which will help our goal to make the Island a safer place.¡Ç
Prison Manager Martin David (pictured), a Police Tactical First Aid Trainer, will train and accredit staff within the Police Directorate in the use of the defibrillator.
23 April 2013
Are you on the Register of Electors?
If not, you will not be eligible to stand for election, or to vote. If you want to take part, the first step is to ensure that your name is on the Register. A new ¡ÆProvisional Register¡Ç will be published early in May, and there will be an opportunity, then, for names to be added or removed (or for other changes, such as Electoral District, to be made). Look out for the publicity about this process.
If you want to add your name, or remove the name of someone who had died or left the Island, please take a little time to complete the simple application form, which will be available from The Castle or the Customer Service Centre, or from Assistant Registration Officers in the Electoral Districts .
Use your democratic rights – ensure you are registered to vote! Those eligible to vote must be 18 years or older, have St Helenian status, or be a spouse/life partner of someone who has that status, and must ordinarily reside on St Helena.
The date for the 2013 General Election has yet to be set – but it will take place during July 2013. Further details will follow shortly.
23 April 2013
St Helena Government Chief Secretary, Owen O¡ÇSullivan, is pictured taking the Governor¡Çs prescribed Oaths of Office today (22 April 2013), in the presence of the Sheriff of St Helena, Mrs Pat Musk MBE, in the Governor¡Çs Office at the Castle. The Chief Secretary¡Çs Swearing-In as Acting Governor of St Helena becomes immediately effective.
HE Governor Capes departed St Helena for Cape Town this afternoon for official business in London and a period of leave. The Governor will return to St Helena on Wednesday 13 June 2013. The Swearing-In was witnessed by Councillors and senior officials and was followed by a brief reception.
By convention, each person present shook hands with the Acting Governor.
22 April 2013
Jamestown Community Centre hosted the Environmental Management Division's (EMD) stakeholder engagement forum on 18 April. EMD forms part of the newly created Environment and Natural Resources Directorate. Presentations, discussions and panels highlighted the role that the Environmental Management Division plays within SHG and those present were encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback on environmental issues.
During a comedy sketch titled ¡ÆTo engage or not to engage¡Ç - staff members demonstrated the importance of good communication amongst stakeholders (those that can be affected by the division¡Çs actions) and the reasoning for all to be gathered on the day. Tara Pelembe, Head of the Environmental Management Division, said: ¡ÆI hope to run these sessions periodically once or twice a year, to keep links with stakeholders and to keep the environment on everybody¡Çs agenda.¡Ç Tara added future work is based on building evidence to support their advice.
Brainteasers flowed throughout the session to test the audience¡Çs knowledge on the environment and to establish if publicity (including EMD¡Çs monthly and quarterly newsletters) effectively informs the public. Presentations were given by David Higgins, Terrestrial Conservation Advisor/ Trainer on the threats the Island¡Çs environment faces, such as logging, forestry and soil erosion. David and his team strives to ¡Æconserve and manage the natural heritage¡Ç.
Ian Rummery, Environmental Risk Manager, covered the topic of cleaning up the Island, Ian visually displayed the current waste that is disposed of irresponsibly on the Island and looked at possible ways to improve waste management. Ian said: ¡Æwe need to clean the Island up for ourselves which has an impact on the tourist product but also the environment in which we live. Linking to this was the Powerpoint presentation by Mike Durnford, Climate Change and Pollution Officer and a discussion panel, on the current and future recycling opportunities for St Helena. This issue sparked great interest and debate within the audience, who were keen to recycle and reduce the amount of waste going into the landfill site. Current legislation needs to be addressed to look at what is needed to allow residents to manage their waste more sustainably. The panel revealed the financial value that waste can acquire, giving examples from SHAPE, if waste is recycled business opportunities can arise from that process. Issues that were also covered were the Marine Environment and Environmental Management of the Airport Project. Tara thanked all those who attended, at the end of the session.
22 April 2013
Plantation House hosted the Queen¡Çs Birthday Party in the early evening of Friday 19 April. Those who attended were able to socialise indoors, with braver souls bearing the rainy conditions outside.
A mixture of St Helenian society was present, including, schoolchildren, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, SHAPE staff and their clients, prominent Saints, Councillors and Officials. The Queen¡Çs actual birthday was on 21 April and on St Helena there will be a public holiday to mark the occasion on Monday 17 June 2013.
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